Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can be used to treat the majority of illnesses. In the U.K. acupuncture is often used for chronic conditions and where there is no conventional cure. An increasing number of people are now using acupuncture alongside conventional medication for many different conditions. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective form of treatment for numerous ailments, as listed below.
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Sciatica
- Tennis elbow
- Knee pain
- Peri-arthritis of the shoulder
- Sprains
- Facial pain
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Headache
- Dental pain
- Acute and chronic gastritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Assisting I.V.F.
- Induction of labor
- Breech birth presentation
- Morning sickness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Postoperative pain
- Stroke
- Radiation/chemo reactions
- Allergic rhinitis,
- Hay fever
- Anxiety/Stress/Depression
- Primary dysmenorrhea
- Peptic ulcer
This listing has been taken from the World Health Organizations website: Acupuncture review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical trials.
If you are suffering from a condition that does not appear on the listings acupuncture may still be beneficial. You are advised to contact the clinic to discuss your condition.
Linda has many years of experience treating different conditions. She has also treated conditions which have no western diagnosis.
If you have any questions regarding treatment please call 07599813077 Please leave a voice mail or text, Linda will return your call.